Monday, February 15, 2010

Thanksgiving (The Verb is in the Word)

Being Thanksgiving, today I am reminded of all those things I take for granted...
I am Thankful that I live in a country where I am free to read/speak the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am Thankful for those in my life who have shown me what loving a person really means.
I am Thankful for the diversity I see in everyday life, and the strength is has given me to be accepting of others.
I am Thankful for second chances because sometimes people need a chance to apply the lesson they learned from the mistakes.
I am Thankful for those who speak the truth, especially when it's harder to give than it is to take.
I am Thankful for the people in my life that have shown me light on my darkest days.
I am Thankful that I have so many reasons to smile every single day.
I am Thankful for my family, for teaching me that sometimes it's more than a blood connection.
I am Thankful for my Calling, and the journey it sets before me.
I am Thankful for my Parents, they're on this crazy trip too, and if they haven't given up, it gives me hope.
I am Thankful for my ability to write, because expressing my emotions makes it easier to deal with them.
I am Thankful for the power or Prayer, for those days when God is easier to talk to than people.
I am Thankful that I never go without.
I am extremely Thankful for the fact that the idea of serving others has been stressed all my life.

I am Thankful for Peace, Love, and Light God has shed upon my life

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