hushed by what God gave us
Called by what we're not.
Ugly derogatory terms used to misrepresent beautiful parts
And we wear these labels because society hands them out
Because after all, negative attention is still... attention.
$7 billion is what we spent last year trying to reach the unrealistic expectations set before us.
Always behind closed doors
Painting attempts at perfection accorss our faces.
Bleaching, frying, and straightening our hair till it falls in all the right places.
An hour is what the average girl spends daily just to look presentable.
As if to say that without all the effort, products, and time the face God gave her isn't worth seeing.
Who's idea was it in the first place that with like-face paint,
Clowns were more beautiful than women?
And you see,
All this is done for that three second first impression
Which then work just as hard to maintain.
And guys, while you sit by watching
I have some news.
Contrary to popular belief,
this is no longer for you.
It used to be miniscule,
but now the only ridicule we fear
Is from our fellow females.
We've learned to compare, to laugh, and to judge.
To do everything we can to lift ourselves up.
No it's out of our mouths that you hear
Bitch, Whore, and Dyke.
It's through secrets and rumors that we ignite the fight.
It's this obsession with prosthetic perfection
That has turned Venus into a battle field.
See beyond the casualties of self-confidence and behind the front lines in something very real.
But when first impressions only last three seconds
It become very difficult to find
The sexiest piece of human anatomy,
... I'm talking about the mind.
See with blackened lashes and bronzed skin
It doesn't matter what you put on your mouth
What matters most is what comes out.
I think it's obvious that the issue is trust
So let's make the solution faith.
Faith in ourselves that we can treat each other with the respect we deserve
Faith that out of all of this, you'll end up stronger in the end.
Faith that with a different vision, you'll be a better friend.
I challenge you to sign the unpublished pact
That one-by-one we'll change our act.
The work of the women before us can't have been in vain
So we can't be vain
We need to watch what we say.
We need to take responsibility of the attitude society has for future girls.
So while there's definitely importance in "Going Green," equal marriage rights, and the anti-war scene.
This world needs more importance
Let's make RESPECT the movement.