I'm searching for a word
Looking through the songs
Maybe a rhyme
Just to right the wrongs
A message in the sky
Maybe a sign from above
Noah had it right
Where's my branch and my dove?
Ask the non-believers
They're havin' a fit.
They look at my people
One word: hypocrite.
Saturday night;
"Hey they're playing my song!"
All seven deadly sins
Playing all night long.
Sunday morning
and it's a different story
Wake up just in time
To sing to His Glory.
Sit in the pews
Bow your head
Ask for forgiveness
...And do it all again.
Monday comes
You're back at work
Talk about the new girl
And how your boss is a jerk.
Chrome fish on your car
A Bible on your shelf
Grace before dinner
Yet you ask yourself:
Who am I really?
Why am I here?
If you'd crack open that Bible,
You'd find it's clear.
You're here to Live for Him
Because He died you you,
You're here to show people
Just what His love can do.
"Let your light so shine..."
See your way through the dark
Know that you're His
He lives in your heart.
To the non-believers;
I pray for you
Because I know that
My God loves you too.
(-June 14, 2010)
To all of you
It starts today.
I'm looking at the future,
And for this I pray:
That you stand for what's right,
Not afraid to take the lead.
Your life may be the only Bible
That some people read.
That no matter what happens
You remember Him.
Lord in your name I pray,
and play,
(-July 12, 2010)