Well, it happened again.
All it took was one guy
And the girl who fell for him.
Just one small blip
In an even smaller chapter.
She meant nothing to him
Neither before, nor after.
I hope he knows
That from him she learned
Emotions can't be shown.
Trust won't be earned.
"Feelings are boring,
Kissing is fun."
She pretended to agree.
She was the dumb one.
She still sees him months later
There's no longer a crush.
He doesn't think about her
But he taught her so much.
As more time passes
She'll forget the pain.
Years later,
She won't recall his name.
But with every guy she meets
She'll guard her heart.
She'll put up a wall
Before the feelings can start.
She'll shield her emotions
Refuse to feel pain
All because Once Upon a Time
She met what's-his-name.
March 9, 2010